Our Mission


Up North….on Pearl Lake…sits…“the Cottage.” Always has…Always will. One and a half miles of shoreline…pristine beauty, unfathomable, priceless wealth. The cottage memories of four generations layer themselves in geological stratifications upon the consciousness of an extended Clawson family…

The memories and stories of four generations are rich. There are memories still to be made. This is what each and every one of us share and that is why we have come together in solidarity to preserve intact and protect what unites us–Claude and Etha’s gift–a gift we have been blessed with, enjoyed, and shared with others throughout our lifetime. We wish to provide this for our descendants, as each generation becomes the custodians of this inheritance—to shape and update, yet fundamentally preserve. Thusly, it is our intention to allow and afford a new generation and generations to come, the experience of peace and beauty in the natural world, and the simple pleasures of family at rest.

…Our mission

Our mission rests with providing forever a place to renew family ties, to manage and make affordable such a blessing for all, to preserve intact this whole body, as the rare and accessible entity that it is—and where all profit, including the earth, from its being just plain, left alone.

Once a dream. Still a dream…

(The complete text of our mission statement may be read here, Or downloaded here.)